Campaigns, Events, Take action, TNC Violations

2020 Peoples Mobilisation #BindingTreaty

Global Campaign




Who we are

The Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity (Global Campaign) is a network of over 250 social movements, civil society organisations (CSOs), trade unions and communities affected by the activities of TNCs. These groups resist land grabs, extractive mining, exploitative wages and environmental destruction caused by TNCs globally but particularly in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. The Global Campaign is a peoples global structural response to unaccountable corporate power. It provides facilitation for dialogue, strategizing, exchanging information and experiences and acts as a space to make resistance visible and deepen solidarity and support for struggles against TNCs. At the same time the Global Campaign:


  • Proposes an International Peoples Treaty which provides a political framework to support the local, national and international movements and communities in their resistances and practices of alternatives to corporate power and the TNC model of the economy.



In August 2020, the OEIGWG Presidency published  the 2nd Revised Draft of the UN Binding Treaty. The Global Campaign published a first Statement on the 2nd Revised Draft.

Our 2020 Peoples Mobilisation #BindingTreaty coincides with the 6th Session of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group mandated to develop a UN Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations and other business enterprises with respect to Human Rights (OEIGWG). As every year since the approval of the UN Human Rights Council historical Resolution 26/9 (2014), we are back in order to continue pressuring governments to keep the process of building the Binding Treaty and moving forward.



What are we planning?

  • All October and November our members and allies are organising virtual activities linked to the struggle against corporate impunity and for the UN Binding Treaty (see below our political calendar).
  • At the UN level we participated focusing our advocacy on governments on the UN Binding Treaty.


Final Global Campaign Release (2nd November)

Final Global Campaign Statement (30th October)

Asian Network Statement (28th October)

First Global Campaign Press Release (28th October)


More information on the UN Binding Treaty process


See at this link the official programme of the OEIGWG 6th Session


Videos at the UN TV (including interpretation to 6 languages)



Global Campaign members political calendar from September to November 2020

Calendario político de los miembros de la Campaña global de septiembre a noviembre 2020

Calendrier politique des membres de la Campagne Globale de septiembre à novembre 2020

Date/fecha Convenors/convocan ENGLISH CASTELLANO FRANÇAIS + INFO
30 Sept
Global Campaign South-East Asia Task Force
Workshop on the UN Binding Treaty in South-East Asia
Taller sobre el Tratado Vinculante en el Sudeste asiático
Atélier sur le Traité Contraignant dans le Sud-Est asiatique
2 Oct TNI, OMAL, Taula per Mexic, CAI, GUE/NGL Webinar “EU-Mexico agreement: reflections on the impacts of European investments and Free Trade” Webinario: “Acuerdo UE-México: reflexiones sobre los impactos de las inversiones europeas y el libre comercio” Webinaire “Accord UE-Mexique: impact des investissements européens et du libre-échange” #ToxiTourMexico
5 Oct – 5 Nov MAB
Days of Struggle on Vale’s impunity: 5 years without justice on the corporate crime of the Rio Doce basin Jornadas de Lucha sobre la Impunidad de Vale: 5 años sin justicia por el crimen corporativo en la Cuenca del Río Doce Journées de lutte sur l’impunité de Vale, 5 années sans justice devant le crime sur le Bassin du Rio Doce
5 Oct – 10 Oct
International Week of Anti-Imperialist Struggles
Semana Internacional de Luchas Antiimperialistas Semaine Internationale des Luttes Anti-impérialistes
7 Oct
Trade Union Forum of the Americas “The Public in Public Hands” Foro Sindical de las Américas “Lo Público en Manos Públicas” Forum des syndicats des Amériques “Le public entre les mains du public”
10 Oct – 17 Oct
Jubileo Sur Américas & Allies
Global Week of Action for Debt Cancellation
Semana Global de Acción por la cancelación de la Deuda
Semaine mondiale d’action pour l’annulation de la dette

#CancelTheDebt #AnularLaDeuda | #AnnulezLaDette

10 Oct

4.30 pm CET

Cooperacción Perú & Allies
Webinar: “TNCs and Human Rights. Can they live together?”
Webinario: “Empresas y Derechos Humanos. ¿Pueden convivir?”
Webinaire “Multinationales et droits humains”
12 Oct – 17 Oct
World March of Women
Closing Week of the 5th International Action
Semana de Clausura de la 5ta Acción Internacional
Semaine de clôture de la 5ème Action Internationale
14 Oct
Regional civil society debate on the 2nd Draft of the UN Binding Treaty
Conversatorio Regional de la sociedad civil sobre el 2do Borrador del Tratado Vinculante
Débat régional de la société civile sur la 2ème version du Traité Contraignant
15 Oct
Jubileo Sur Américas
Assembly of creditor peoples of the South Asamblea de Pueblos Acreedores del Sur
Assemblée des peuples créanciers du Sud  
16 Oct
International Day of Action for Peoples Food Sovereignty and against Transnational Corporations
Día Internacional de Acción por la Soberanía Alimentaria de los Pueblos y contra las transnacionales Journée Internationale d’action pour a souveraineté alimentaire des peuples et contre les multinationales
#LaViaCampesina #TimeToTransform #FoodSovereigntyNow
20 Oct
Southern African Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power & Allies
African CSOs Workshop on the UN Binding Treaty
Taller de la sociedad civil africana sobre el Tratado Vinculante
Atélier de la société civile africaine sur le Traité Contraignant
21 Oct
Southern African Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power & Allies African Regional Consultation on the UN Binding Treaty
Consulta Regional africana sobre el Tratado Vinculante
Consultation Régionale africaine sur le Traité Contraignant

22 Oct

9 am Quito

4 pm Geneva (CET)

UDAPT, Corporate Accountability, Entrepueblos, FOEI, CDES, TNI, ATALC, Centrale Sanitaire Suisse

Webinar: “Corporate Power, arbitration and access to justice for Peoples and Nature”



Webinario: “Poder Corporativo, arbitraje y acceso a la justicia para los Pueblos y la Naturaleza”
Webinar: “Pouvoir des entreprises, arbitrage et accès à la justice pour les peuples et la nature”


23 Oct

1 pm – 2.30 pm CET

Global Interparliamentary Network for the Binding Treaty (GIN)
Webinar: “Reflections of the members of regional and national parliaments from Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa on the UN Binding Treaty”
Webinario: “Reflexiones desde parlamentos regionales y nacionales de Europa, América Latina, Asia, África sobre el Tratado Vinculante de la ONU”
Webinar: “Réflexions des parlements régionaux et nationaux d’Europe, d’Amérique latine, d’Asie et d’Afrique sur le traité contraignant des Nations Unies”

More information/más información:

23-25 Oct
Transnational Migrant Platform-Europe/Permanent Peoples Tribunal
Permanent Peoples Tribunal Hearing on migrant and refugees peoples rights (Berlin)
Audiencia del Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos sobre los derechos de los Pueblos migrantes y refugiados (Berlín)
Audience du Tribunal Permanent des Peuples sur les droits des migrants et des réfugiés (Berlin)

27 Oct

1 pm CET (Geneva time)

Global Campaign

Virtual Press Conference

“UN Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights: Historic opportunity to hold transnationals accountable”

Conferencia de Prensa Virtual

“El Tratado Vinculante sobre empresas transnacionales y DDHH: oportunidad histórica para que las transnacionales asuman responsabilidades”

Conférence de Presse virtuelle:

“Traité contraignant des Nations Unies sur les transnationales et les droits humains: opportunité historique de responsabiliser les transnationales”


26 Oct – 30 Oct
Global Campaign
Presential and virtual advocacy activities at the occasion of the 6th Session of the OEIGWG in Geneva
Cabildeo presencial y virtual en el marco de la 6ta Sesión del OEIGWG en Ginebra
Plaidoyer présentiel et virtuel dans le cadre de la 6ème Séssion du OEIGWG à Genève



26 Oct – 30 Oct

Seminário de Balanço do Rompimento da Barragem de Vale en Mariana (Brasil)
Seminario de evaluación sobre la ruptura de la represa de Vale en Mariana (Brasil)
Séminaire d’évaluation sur la rupture du barrage de Vale à Mariana (Brésil)


28 Oct

10 am CET

Amis de la Terre France & Allies
Hearing on the Total Uganda case at the Versailles Court of Appeal
Audiencia del caso Total en Uganda ante el Tribunal de Apelación de Versalles
Audience en Appel du cas Total Ouganda à la Cour d’appel de Versailles


3 Nov & 5 Nov

International Live action – 5th Anniversary of corporate crime at the Rio Doce basin
Live internacional de los 5 años del crimen corporativo en la cuenca del Río Doce
Action internationale pour le 5ème anniversaire du crime sur le Bassin du Rio Doce




campaign @
m.vargas @

Press contact: soltrumbovila @


Follow us:
Twitter: @StopTNCimpunity
Facebook: @stopcorporateimpunity
#BindingTreaty #StopCorporateImpunity