News, Statements

STATEMENT: Ecuador: Peoples resistance against the austerity measures and the state of emergency”

Global Campaign




Ecuador: Peoples resistance against the austerity measures and the state of emergency
Global Campaign to reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity Statement

The Global Campaign is deeply concerned about the situation in Ecuador, where severe human rights violations are taking place. We stand in solidarity with the people’s protests taking place in the country against the economic programme adopted by President Lenin Moreno, based on an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in exchange for a loan of 4,200 million USD that will substantially favour the interests of the big capital.


The withdrawal of the fuel price subsidy, the regression of labour rights have been the last measures of a long series of policies that affect the economy of the most vulnerable people in order to privilege maximisation of corporate profit, in particular regarding transnational corporations active in extractive industries, to the detriment of the collective and environmental rights of peasant and indigenous communities.


As a response to legitimate social protest, the government has reacted with a general repressive offensive, resulting in several deaths, hundreds of detentions without respect for legal and constitutional guarantees, harassment of humanitarian aid centres and health services, protected by the declaration of a state of exception and curfew. As Global Campaign, we support the organizations that are mobilizing and demanding the immediate lifting of the state of emergency and the definitive withdrawal of the austerity plan, at the same time that we remain vigilant about the excesses that may be committed by the public force.


We believe that the measures adopted by the Ecuadorian government violate human rights and correspond mainly to the demands of corporate power and international financial institutions.