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Videos of the UN side event organised by the Global Campaign on Wednesday 7th March, 2018, Geneva



On the occasion of the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, Centre Europe Tiers-Monde (CETIM), FIAN International, the Trade Union Confederation of Americas (TUCA), Indonesia for Global Justice, Unión de Afectado/as por Chevron Texaco en Ecuador (UDAPT), the Transnational Institute (TNI), Friends of the Earth International, Human Rights and Business Centre/UFJF (HOMA), Corporate Accountability (CA), as members of the Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity organised a side event on: “Reflections towards the UN Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations with respect to Human Rights”






Walter Schuldt

First Secretary of the Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations in Geneva


Rachmi Hertanti

Indonesia for Global Justice


Iván González

Trade Union Confederation of Americas (TUCA)


Manoela Roland




Video message of 4 Members of the European Parliament as members of the Global Network of Parliamentarians for the Binding Treaty


Lola Sanchez, GUE/NGL

Judith Sargentini, GREENS

Anne-Marie Mineur, GUE/NGL

Inmaculada Rodriguez-Pineiro S&D


Moderation : 
Melik Özden, Centre Europe Tiers-Monde (CETIM)



The UN Human Rights Council Open-Ended Inter-Governmental Working Group (OEIGWG), mandated to develop “an international legally binding instrument on TNCs and other business enterprises with respect to human rights”, as agreed in United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution 26/9 of 26 June 2014, hold its 3d session in October 2017. During this session, the Presidency of the OEIGWG presented the “Elements paper” as basis for the negotiations and set a road map for the process in 2018. As it moves towards the 4th session, the Treaty process is gaining growing attention from civil society organizations and state delegations.


The Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and End Impunity (Global Campaign) present its proposal for a Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Their Supply Chains with Regard to Human Rights to the OEIGWG. This treaty text is the fruit of a major collaborative undertaking built on a broad consultative process among affected communities, social movements and civil society organisations. Through this treaty proposal, the Global Campaign engages the strategic work of the OEIGWG, with a view to advancing the construction of the Treaty on TNCs and human rights.


During this side-event, members of the Global Campaign coming from different sectors and regions will present the concrete proposals contained in its own draft treaty and will be ready to discuss about it with the public. It will also be the occasion to collectively discuss with the Presidency of the OEIGWG about the “Elements paper” and how the next steps of the process will be organized in relation to civil society participation.