
2 Oct. Webinar EU-Mexico Agreement: Reflections on the impacts of European investments and free trade

Global Campaign


Virtual Public Conference

Friday 2nd October 2020

4 pm (CET Brussels) – 9 am (Mexico City)




  • María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, MEP – GUE/NGL, Unidas Podemos  
  • Bibiana Rosas, Museo Comunitario Atotonilli-Región Tolteca, México
  • Alan Carmona, Un Salto de Vida, Jalisco, México.
  • Mikel Otero, MP – Basque Parliament – EHU/Bildu
  • Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Transnational Institute / Institute for Policy Studies


On April, 2020, amid the global C-19 health crisis, the conclusion of a new EU-Mexico agreement, was announced. Mexico would be the first Latin American country to sign a treaty with the EU that includes a chapter on investment protection. Given the prospects of this future agreement, it is essential to assess on the ground the impacts of the trade and investment regime on human rights and the environment so far, especially with regard to the most vulnerable populations. To this end, in this Dialogue we will present the main results of the “International Observation Caravan” (#ToxiTourMexico), which visited in December 2019 the main industrial corridors that have attracted US and European investments. During the Virtual Conference the main results of the “International Observation Caravan” (#ToxiTourMexico) will be presented, with the aim of providing elements for reflection on the new agreement between the European Union and Mexico.


Registration to participate will be open until October 1st 2020, at this link:

Convenors: Acción ecológica, Corporate Accountability, EH-BILDU, Ekologistak Martxan, GUE/NGL, Ökumenisches Büro für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit, Institute for Policy Studies, Mexico via Berlin, OMAL, OPSUR, Unidas Podemos, Taula per Mèxic, Transnational Institute, Tradener, UDAPT, UCCS – México, Zentrum für Entwicklungsbezogene Bildung.